And we will create a similar list dedicated the the iPad and games that make the best use of its larger screen. As exceptional games continue to be released on the iPhone, we will expand this list. What follows is a list of the 21 games that should be installed on every iPhone.
Curation has in large part been left to those who remain passionate about the phone as a gaming platform, despite Apple. After a game's launch, it sinks into the quicksand of mobile gaming junk until it's buried deep beneath thousands of free-to-play cash-ins. Too many of the best games for iPhone are victims of an out of sight, out of mind economy. Unusual and inspired games are left to fight for short stints on the coveted front page. Farming simulations and clones too often dominate the App Store's best selling list.
Unfortunately, they must be downloaded from one of the worst digital marketplaces. The iPhone is home to some of the best portable video games ever made.